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October 16, 2024
Considering the dire state of the economy, it's no wonder that President Trump had been defeated in the presidential election of 2020. What's surprising is how close it had actually been.
International - Ciaran Ryan
What was behind the sinking of the HMNZS Manawanui, and is it still bad luck to have a woman at sea?
Society - Stuart Ballantyne
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Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera

Ambit Gambit Last night I was interviewed by TRT – Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera – on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin. Azwaz did a good job, and his courteous approach to moderation could teach Tony Jones a thing or two, although he […]

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»  Curses, China syndrome again
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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Article 80 preserved the legal rights vested in the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home within 22% of the territory comprised in the 1922 Mandate for Palestine (
International - David Singer
Affordable, reliable, continuous, and emissions free electricity would benefit billions on this planet.
Environment - Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers and Steve Curtis - 1 comment

Monday, October 14, 2024

In Israel, more than twice as many people now do not support the two-state solution as support it (64% vs. 27%, respectively). In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, enthusiasm for the two-state solution was equally as low.
International - Brendan O'Reilly - 6 comments
'...a decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today.'
Political Philosophy - Mamtimin Ala - 2 comments

Friday, October 11, 2024

Economic growth in developing countries hinges on a supply of continuous, uninterruptable, and dispatchable electricity.
Nation Building - Ronald Stein, Robert Jeffrey and Olivia Vaughan - 6 comments
A year since Hamas’ attack on October 7, 2023, and Israel's retaliation have demonstrated once again that neither has learned anything.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 6 comments

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The South China Sea has become Beijing’s lake. While the Philippines, Vietnam, the United States, the international courts, and others continue to vigorously contest it, China has won.
International - B A Hamzah - 2 comments
Of course, in today's Australia, we might not see Fleck leading a gang of bushrangers across the outback, but we could very well see him on a 60 Minutes redemption special.
Humour & Satire - Vince Hooper - 1 comment

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Greste soon began exhibiting the symptoms of establishment fever, lecturing the world as UNESCO Chair of Journalism and Communication at the University of Queensland on what he thought journalism ought to be.
Media - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments
Teaching is a professional responsibility that goes beyond charisma or dedication - it requires skill, strategy, and accountability.
Education - Steven Schwartz - 4 comments

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Traditionally Australia’s national security has been defined in terms of international relations, the defence of national integrity and the protection of citizens and states from external threats.
Health - Peter Curson - 2 comments
Because wind and solar work only a fraction of the day a 'renewables'-only grid needs insane amounts of generation.
Environment - Geoff Carmody - 4 comments

Monday, October 7, 2024

The United Nations embraces the two state solution, but there is no practical reality in which it could exist.
International - David Singer - 5 comments

Friday, October 4, 2024

Ms Wong is obviously unaware of article 80 of the UN Charter which preserves the right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Judea and Samaria, and more.
International - David Singer - 5 comments
They have shown how susceptible we are to malevolent hackers accessing a wide range of electrical devices which have become an essential part of our modern lives.
Science & Technology - John Mikkelsen - 3 comments

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stuart Ballantyne is seeking the few remaining positive people for a coffee.
Domestic Politics - Stuart Ballantyne - 2 comments
Gold prices have risen almost 30 percent during the last year. Most central banks have also been increasing their gold reserves through purchasing.
Economics - Murray Hunter - 5 comments

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

As Iran is currently weighing whether or not to retaliate against Israel for the assassination of Hezbollah’s chief Hassan Nasrallah, the US and Israel should make it possible for Tehran not to retaliate.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 2 comments
Kamala is oblivious that economies need continuous and uninterruptible electricity, and products demanded by our materialistic society.
Environment - Ronald Stein - 3 comments

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

By attempting, not always convincingly, to universalise his country's plight, Zelenskyy hopes to keep some lustre on an increasingly fading project.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 2 comments
After 76 years of conflict laden with mutually disastrous mistakes, miscalculations, and missed opportunities, Israel and the Palestinians have created irrefutable political and factual realities they must now face.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 6 comments

Monday, September 30, 2024

Until we stop war, we do need to defend ourselves. There are too many incidents of potential conflict involving Australia.
International - Peter Bowden - 7 comments
The ongoing Israeli operation against Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia group so dominant in Lebanon, is following a standard pattern. Ignore base causes. Ignore context. Target leaders, and target personnel.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 35 comments

Friday, September 27, 2024

In many ways the government's rejection of the royal commission proposal exposes how Mr Albanese's promises to appoint a royal commission when in opposition, were just political posturing.
Law & Liberties - Scott Prasser - 4 comments
At the tenth emergency special session 124 nations displayed animus towards Israel demanding its withdrawal from territories legally belonging to it.
International - David Singer - 14 comments

Thursday, September 26, 2024

This history is one that has been glossed over or omitted by Europe and its United States and other allies in their efforts at neo-colonial exploitation of Africa.
International - Teck Lim - 5 comments

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We know it's just adding to huge deficits which would be much more massive if it weren't for lucrative royalties and taxes.
Humour & Satire - John Mikkelsen - 19 comments
We continued that the knowledge and ideas of the world are, by and large, socially constructed in a specific value-giving context by convention or agreement with no objective and inherent basis.
Political Philosophy - Mamtimin Ala - 3 comments

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Arguments about how to cut Australian greenhouse emissions (incl using nuclear power) are rife. They've been all about the cost of policy options. They're partial and misleading, at best.
Nation Building - Geoff Carmody - 4 comments
The discipline of evolutionary psychology has shown that evolution left us with neural mechanisms tailored to specific functions that work without us being aware of them.
Religion & Spirituality - Peter Sellick - 3 comments

Monday, September 23, 2024

A BBC investigation released on September 19, comprising a documentary and podcast, heard testimony from more than 20 female ex-employees claiming that that Fayed had sexually assaulted or raped them.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 2 comments
Hamas’ attack and Israel’s retaliatory war are the dire by-products of decades-long psychological impediments—historical, ideological, religious, and humanitarian.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 16 comments

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dark clouds are looming, and I'm not talking about the usual summer bushfires. Nah, this is more serious, mate.
Humour & Satire - Vince Hooper - 6 comments
The Security Council’s embrace of a two-state solution came after the Obama-Biden administration failed to veto Resolution 2334 adopted on 23 December 2016.
International - David Singer - 1 comment

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Get real. All human life and its 'business as usual' produces greenhouse gas emissions. Always has.
Economics - Geoff Carmody - 11 comments

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Only the naïve, which seems to include a number of respected commentators, regard the mobs that gather to 'protest' against war as 'peace activists'. They are in fact 'war by other means activists'.
International - Graham Young - 27 comments
In the United States – and here, the warning is prescient – attempts to block access in a number of states have seen defiant subversion.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 4 comments

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

When a politician promises you something for nothing, check your wallet—because chances are, you’re the one who’s going to pay.
Economics - Steven Schwartz - 1 comment
California focuses on intermittent electricity generation from wind and solar as demand for continuously generated electricity continues to rise.
Environment - Ronald Stein - 1 comment


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