The media missed their mark last week when blaming an Israeli soldier for allegedly firing the bullet that tragically killed Palestinian Arab journalist Shireen Abu Akleh – rather than investigating why that bullet should ever have been fired at all.
The United Nations (UN) and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) jointly share the blame for Akleh's death –having allowed the security situation in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza to progressively worsen by doing nothing to procure the commencement of negotiations between Israel and the PLO on former US President Donald Trump's Peace Plan released on 28 January 2020 (see image following).

Trump's Plan offered the promise of a second Arab State – in addition to Jordan:
- In 70% of the last remaining 5% of the territory comprised in the 1922 Mandate for Palestine where sovereignty still remains disputed between Jews and Arabs - plus
- Additional areas located within Israel's current sovereign boundaries - and
- Self-determination for 95% of the West Bank's Arab population and 100% of Gaza's population.
Trump's plan - agreed to by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a basis for negotiations – was rejected by PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as a "conspiracy".
The UN's refusal to insist that the PLO negotiate with Israel on Trump's plan was the catalyst for the upsurge in violence that has followed in the last two years – resulting in the deaths and wounding of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, Israelis and foreign nationals - when Trump's plan offered a way forward to end this carnage which started 100 years ago.
Instead - 7 CNN Reporters and 2 CNN Video Cameramen put together a report headlined:
'They were shooting directly at the journalists': New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces.
CNN at least used the word "suggests" rather than "establishes".
Not so Al Jazeera which headlined its report:
Author's note: The cartoon - commissioned exclusively for this article - is by Yaakov Kirschen aka "Dry Bones"- one of Israel's foremost political and social commentators - whose cartoons have graced the columns of Israeli and international media publications for decades.
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