Inventing the Australian Internet
On the 14th of September, 1989, a group
of people gathered to celebrate and create
a new concept, and use a new technology.
It was the 10th anniversary of the blockade
of Terania Creek, the rainforest wilderness
area near The Channon, 25 minutes north
of Lismore in northern NSW. They climbed
the path to Protestors Falls, then repaired
to the car park. What brought them there
was not only the commemoration of a great
moment in the history of ecology struggles,
but the launch of one of Australia's first
commercial Internet services, Pegasus
Networks Communications Pty Ltd. These
Internet pioneers officially launched
Pegasus with the assistance of a laptop
and mobile phone - a novel process that
would even cause Telecom technical indigestion.
The Internet was already two decades
old when Pegasus was formed: the American
ARPANET had been launched in September
1969. But 1989 was an auspicious year
for Australian Internet in other ways.
As Roger Clarke points out in his A
Brief History of the Internet in Australia,
a permanent Australian connection to the
U.S. APRANET was established in the early
1980s by academics at the Universities
of Sydney and Melbourne. The Australian
Academic & Research Network (AARNet)
went online on 23 June 1989, connecting
to the APRANET at the University of Hawaii.
By 1993, Pegasus Communications had become
the third-largest Internet service provider
in Australia. The company was responsible
for introducing many individual users,
organisations and institutions to the
Internet, including: the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation (ABC); parliamentarians; environmental,
women's, peace, health, landcare, and
human rights groups; other social movement
and non-governmental organisations; small
businesses, and households. Among Pegasus
users and staff in its early years there
was a real sense of excitement, a feeling
that 'everyone who is anyone is on Pegasus'.
Not just another business, or even an
early Internet company, Pegasus created
an audience, connecting people in a distinctive
and rich online set of communities. Pegasus
brought a public into existence.
Pegasus remained one of Australia's three
largest Internet service providers until
1995, when larger corporations, such as
Telstra, BigPond and Ozemail finally began
to appreciate the importance and financial
possibilities of the Internet and competed
forcefully in the marketplace. Some in
Pegasus thought the company had a good
chance of continuing its development and
moving from a focus on Internet connectivity
- which by 1995 was well on the way to
being achieved - to developing new services
that NGOs, individual users and small
businesses needed. What was required,
however, was an injection of new capital,
and there were interested parties in the
ethical investor sector. As this funding
did not materialise, however, Pegasus
finally sold out to Microplex in 1996,
which in turn was swallowed up by OptusNet
in 1998.
Pegasus 'taught' many Australians about
the Internet. As it was very much about
using networking technology to link together
local, national, and global contexts,
Pegasus represents an attempt to create
an Internet culture that informed but
also resisted some of the developments
in the 'net during the 1990s. The company
did embrace commerce - before the actual
ban on commerce on the Internet was lifted
- yet Pegasus' philosophy of commerce
was very much about ethos: namely, the
complementary perspectives of ethical
investment, and social and environmental
sustainability. In doing so, Pegasus made
an important contribution to Australian
Internet culture.
Broadband or Narrow Vision?
The Internet is a relatively new medium
and technology. As Manuel Castells observed
in his The
Internet Galaxy (2001), it is
a technology very much shaped by people.
The Internet is first and foremost a way
for people to communicate - it connects
people, in new ways.
To understand how our environment influences
the development of information technology,
we have a great deal to learn from understanding
the creation and growth of the Internet.
As one of the great communication technologies,
social and cultural forces have been instrumental
in putting the Internet to use - and making
it what it is.
As we grapple with the present and future
visions of technology, we need to understand
how we got to where we are. Histories
of the Internet are only now being written.
But as the story of Pegasus Communications
and the beginnings of the Australian Internet
demonstrate, critically examining histories
can provide resources to confront current
In 2003, broadband communication technologies
are something of an obsession. We can
now sample broadband cable, broadband
ADSL, broadband Internet, broadband satellite,
and even … broadband mobile phones. In
April 2003, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone,
and Hutchison launched Australia's first
3rd generation (3G) mobile services. With
3G phones, the sales pitch goes, we can
communicate via video, send each other
photos, listen to music. If the 3G companies
can cover the horrendous costs of buying
their licences, all this might even be
In January 2003, a Federal government
inquiry into broadband, the Broadband
Advisory Group (BAG), released its final
report, Australia's
Broadband Connectivity. The BAG
made some important recommendations, not
least its call for a 'National Broadband
Strategy'. Yet while not wishing to bag
the BAG, I cannot help but feel a smidgeon
of dejá vu here. Was there
not a more extensive government inquiry
in 1994 undertaken by the Broadband Services
Expert Group that called for a new "user-oriented
strategy for communications", a "National
Strategy for New Communications Networks"?
Nearly ten years later, no such strategy
exists. Many broadband flowers may be
blooming, but real questions about access,
affordability, cultural concerns, economic
impacts, and public spaces ("electronic
commons") are going begging. There
is no national co-ordinated approach to
Back to the Future
The Internet has surely been one of the
fastest-growing technologies ever. It
is now available to an extraordinary number
of people in Australia. Fast, "always
on", fully interactive broadband
Internet will be an important new development
for this technology. Australians will
use broadband by many different means,
and companies delivering the technology
are doing so to make a profit. Yet its
reach is very much concentrated in the
richer countries of the world, and, even
in Australia, many are being left off-line.
I fear that we have only a narrow vision
of broadband's possibilities. Despite
the government inquiries, and important
work done by agencies such as the National
Office on the Information Economy,
key questions about Australia's broadband
futures are not being answered. Not really
even being asked.
The rub in the brash broadband bravado
is this: Australia has only a tunnel vision
of what the technology can do for its
citizens. Crucial questions about broadband
are not being addressed by our decision-makers.
Issues such as: Who will have it? And
how will it meet our needs? How will it
interact with our cultures?
In the midst of the 2003 broadband odyssey,
it is timely to reflect upon our Internet
histories, and rich experiments such as
that of Pegasus and AARNET: rooted in
social, environmental, cultural, and economic
concerns. Playing with the technology,
putting it to use, making it serve sustainable
futures, creating and sustaining publics.
Democratising technology's potential,
while conjuring up real utopias.