As I described in "Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion," climate alarmists are pushing increased access to abortion to supposedly help "stop climate change." Equally concerning for pro-lifers, the abortion industry has jumped on the climate change bandwagon to promote their agenda as well.
This is why the pro-life movement needs to present solid arguments to show that the climate scare is not based on sound science.
In "How Pro-Lifers Can Fight the Climate Scare Threatening Their Movement," I explained how to contest the mistaken idea that the rise in so-called "global average temperature" is of concern. Next, let's consider the supposed increase in extreme weather than climate activists are always wailing about.
Extreme weather expert and former Environment Canada scientist Dr Madhav L Khandekar explained:
"Extreme weather is an integral part of weather and climate that has always been with us whether our climate was cooler or warmer. Reducing CO2 levels in order to reduce extreme weather is a fantasy."
Pro-lifers should tell the public that the most severe weather of recent centuries occurred during the far colder Little Ice Age which ended about 1880. The worst weather of the past century, however, was generally during the Dust Bowl years of the 1930s. The "dirty thirties"were miserable for farmers on the American and Canadian prairies, far worse than anything we are seeing today.Well-known American climatologist Stanley Changnon has documented how the 1920s and 1930s also witnessed significantly higher numbers of thunderstorms and associated violent weather than today. University of Alberta Emeritus Professor Keith Hage's research showed that severe and destructive windstorms over Alberta and Saskatchewan peaked during the 1920s and 1930s and have lessened since.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's State Climate Extremes Committee databaseof extreme weather records is the best of its kind in the world. It clearly shows that the incidence of extreme weather records today is far less than in the 1930s. A plot of records set at all U.S. Historical Climatology Network Stations supports this observation:

Note that, in 1936, 27 extreme weather records were set on a state-wide basis, records that still stand today. Contrast that with the number of records set in 2022, namely ZERO.
Largely as a consequence of this reduction in extreme events, we have seen a continual decrease in deaths due to natural events:

Joe Bastardi is Chief Forecaster for WeatherBELL, an organization that is paid to forecast weather by companies whose economic futures depend on it. Bastardi, who just published a new book titled The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War, explained:
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