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The eleventh video

By Babette Francis - posted Thursday, 10 December 2015

A colleague in Oregon, USA, Ward Ricker of Human Rights for All Ages has reminded me that December l0th is International Human Rights Day. I am not sure what, if anything, the Australian Human Rights Commission will do to mark the day, perhaps they will give out awards to "diversity" proponents and disability advocates, without of course addressing the induced abortions inflicted on babies in the womb who are diagnosed as suffering from a disability. So I intend to mark the day by speaking about this overlooked sector of human beings - a true human rights stand is to protect people at all stages of life, including in the womb.

On this topic there is sad news and good news. First the sad news

In the eleventh video released by the Centre for Medical Progress (CMP) in their undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood (its full name is Planned Parenthood Federation of America) CMP has proven that Planned Parenthood is more concerned with harvesting baby parts than preserving life. Their new video, the eleventh in the series, captures abortion doctor Amna Dermish at Planned Parenthood's abortuary in Austin, Texas, describing how she tries to keep specimens 'intact' to send to procurement companies.


It was trunk intact, so usually what I do, if it's a breech presentation, I'll remove the extremities first, the lower extremities, and then go for the spine and sort of bring it down that way," Dermish said. "I always try to keep the trunk intact," she continued. "Always trying to aim for the spine to bring it down. It just makes the procedure easier.

Dermish then said she hasn't been able to preserve the brain, but "it's something to strive for."

The most callous exchange in the video is when Dermish and an official at Whole Women's Health are discussing a development team's process of harvesting a baby's heart.

"One of our point of care persons is really into organ development," she explained. "She'll pull out kidneys, and heart and like heart we frequently see at nine weeks and she always looks for it."

"Well it's cute," the Whole Women's Health official said, laughing. "It's cute."

Sometimes the procedures don't go as planned and they have to improvise, Dermish explained: "Every once in a while if the dilation's bad you just do, I do whatever I can."


David Daleiden, the man behind the Planned Parenthood investigation, renewed calls for criminal charges to be brought against the abortion giant. "State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress' new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood's atrocities against humanity."

Well the good news is that on Thursday night, December 3, 2015, the US Senate which for weeks had debated a Bill to defund 80 per cent of Planned Parenthood's federal funding through the reconciliation process which allows a Senate Bill to avoid minority filibusters, finally passed the Bill largely on a partisan 52-47 vote with Republican Senators Mark Kirk of Illinois and Susan Collins of Maine voting against the Bill and Senator Bernie Sanders (an Independent who is vying for the Democrat nomination against Hillary Clinton for President of the USA) not voting. My source for this information is LifeSiteNews because the major US TV networks have virtually ignored the passage of the Bill.

The passage of the Bill to send the Planned Parenthood defunding measure to President Obama's desk has been hailed as a major victory by pro-life groups.

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About the Author

Babette Francis, (BSc.Hons), mother of eight, is the National & Overseas Co-ordinator of Endeavour Forum Inc. an NGO with special consultative status with the Economic & Social Council of the UN. Mrs. Francis is the Australian representative of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer - She lived in India during the Partition of the sub-continent into India and Pakistan, a historical event that she believes was caused by the unwillingness of the Muslim leaders of that era to live in a secular democracy.

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