For nearly nine years I have lived as an expatriate Australian. Among
the several ways I keep current with Australian news is the welcome batch
of local press clippings my mother regularly sends me from the Townsville
newspapers. She carefully and thoroughly selects the clippings which match
my interests (fish and other living aquatic resource management and
biological issues). Therefore, I receive much news of the Great Barrier
Reef, Queensland recreational and commercial fisheries, and of course the Australian
Institute of Marine Science. Recent envelopes have been getting fatter
and coming more often - a result of the greater coverage of marine and
aquatic resource news. Little of it is good news.
The recreational and commercial fishers and their families are deeply
concerned about their future livelihoods. The Governments and the Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority are concerned for the future of the
Reef, its fish and its fishers. Scientists are finding more going wrong
with the exquisite biological functioning of the Reef. There are at least
ten dangerous species of 'stingers' to look out for. And the dreadful
drought that grips Australia is worrying not just the farmers and keen
gardeners but also the corals.
This is north Queensland but it could be almost anywhere in the world,
rich or poor, that makes a good living off fish and other living aquatic
Unfortunately, all around the world, conflicts abound over the use of
natural resources such as fish, reefs, land and water. Conflicts over
access to fishing grounds, conflicts between fishers and
environmentalists, and trade conflicts between countries. In the last year
we have had North Sea cod fishers blockading shipping to protest quota
cuts; North and South Korea fighting over fishing grounds; the United
States resisting the import of Vietnamese catfish on the grounds of its
common name and its price, and continued friction in Australia over new
controls on trawl fisheries.
Governments, resource users and stakeholders clearly need new and
better ways of managing such conflicts. These 'fish fights' are expensive,
consume a great deal of human time and energy and often do not lead
directly to greater resource sustainability. Worse still, as any conflict
can potentially lead to insecurity, and in the extreme, terrorism, much
better ways of resolving the conflicts are needed.
The challenges (and the conflicts) facing fish-dependent communities
around the world were tackled recently at the Fish
for All Summit. Nearly 300 participants from over 40 countries
including fisheries specialists, development assistance experts, fishers
organisations, civil society representatives, and several government
fisheries ministers from Asia and Africa participated in the Summit. Among
the conclusions of the Summit was that conflict resolution must become
much more effective to achieve "Fish for All" forever.
Recognising that conflicts will arise in fisheries resource allocation
and rights issues is a critical first step in preparing for managing
and resolving them. Finding common ground among stakeholders and
building consensus are the next steps. Too often the actual evolution
of a conflict goes from a surprise incident to finger-pointing and
accusations that polarise the parties from an early stage, even
when there are considerable common grounds for agreement.
Solutions lie not just in recognising and expecting disagreements when
scarce resources and livelihood options are in question. Society needs a
range of tools for use from the local community to national and
international levels.
Governments have produced a large number of international treaties and
conventions, sometimes in efforts to resolve the conflicts, but the Fish
for All Summit concluded that coordination is needed among them. Often
these treaties and conventions are negotiated and managed by officials
from departments without direct experience and knowledge of fisheries
(e.g. development assistance, agriculture, health, trade, etc) and so
their implications for fish are not directly included.
The recent World Summit on
Sustainable Development, completed in Johannesburg in September, also
highlighted fish issues in a big way. It set some tough targets such as to
rebuild fish stocks by 2015 where possible and to move more towards an
ecosystem approach to fisheries management by 2012. To achieve these
targets, governments will need to enlist all their ingenuity and rally
stakeholder cooperation - conflicts will need to be faced and managed
early if the timetable is to be at all realistic. Thus, although the
treaties and plans do not do the job itself, they do provide clear,
coordinated goals and targets for all countries and certainly have a place
in the toolbox for conflict resolution.
Scientists can help resolve conflicts by providing the facts if these
are in dispute or, when personal values are at the base of the disputes,
by developing and advising on socially and politically acceptable
approaches to conflict and dispute resolution. Social science has much to
offer in this area. Scientists and their institutions are forging new
alliances with stakeholders to better address the issues. The Fish for All
initiative, coordinated by WorldFish Center, is an example of such an
alliance between research, development, environmental and fisheries
Communities, local and state governments have a particularly vital role
to play as the custodians of the natural resources. As an applied
scientist, I contend that this role will increasingly rely on science but
each community will develop and impose its own needs and values on its
custodian role, within the norms set by higher levels of elected
You may be thinking that fish are somewhat marginal but consider this:
the events of the last two years in the US and in Bali have all caused us,
in our own ways, to look more carefully at our future security. Australia,
despite its large landmass, has one of the world's highest percentages of
coastal population and fish and fishing are part of the attraction.
Additionally, for many poor people in Australia's neighbouring developing
countries, basic food security was somehow underpinned by access to fish
supplies. Now, even that is threatened unless attention is paid to how to
achieve Fish for All, forever.