David Wilkinson
David Wilkinson's background is research in theoretical astrophysics, where he gained a PhD in the study of star formation, the chemical evolution of galaxies and terrestrial mass extinctions. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. His second PhD is in systematic theology, exploring how Christian eschatology relates to the end of the Universe.
His current work at the University of Durham involves the relationship of the Christian faith to contemporary culture, from science to pop culture.
He has written a number of books concerning science and the Christian faith including God, Time and Stephen Hawking (Monarch, 2001) and Alone in the Universe: The X-Files, Aliens and God (IVP, 1997). He travels widely to speak and broadcast on the relationship of science and faith, and other issues of the relationship of Christian faith to contemporary culture.
In addition he has written on the spirituality in contemporary cinema in The Power of the Force: The Spirituality of the Star Wars Films (Lion, 2000) and on the Christian doctrine of holiness for a new generation in A Holiness of the Heart ( Monarch, 2000).
His most recent book is an exposition of the biblical themes of creation in Creation: The Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Series (IVP, 2002).
He has been a member of the World Methodist Council Executive Committee and World Methodist Evangelism and is currently a council member of the Evangelical Alliance in the UK.
He is married to Alison and has two young children, Adam and Hannah.
Author's website: David Wilkinson